Year 3
God made me and called me by name to belong to His family.
Welcome to Year 3
with Mrs Glembska and Mr Crooks
Our teachers in Year 3 help and support us to learn new routines and to become more independent in our learning.
This is an important year for our sacramental journey as we will prepare to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. These will help us to grow in love and faith. Our mission statement, virtues and class vocational statement – 'God made me and called me by my name to be part of His family' will help us to live as Jesus asks. St Peter, who is our class saint, will be a guiding example of faith and show us how we can be disciples in the world today.
We provide an opportunity for the children in all year groups to access a broad and balanced 'Discovery Learning' curriculum. Children have an input on their learning and teachers ensure the skills and progression are in place, building upon the knowledge of previous years. Part of our curriculum will involve trips or visitors to enrich the children's learning; supporting the children to become immersed in their learning, helping them to know more and remember more.
Full details of the school's Discovery Learning curriculum can be found on Curriculum indicating Long term plans, knowledge organisers and core subject coverage/expectations.