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Year 6

God made me and called me to be a witness for Him in this world.

Welcome to Year Six 

with Miss Brennan and Mr Crooks

Year 6 is an exciting and important year for all pupils as we spend our final year in primary school. 

Children in Year 6 take their faith very seriously. In addition to regular participation at Mass, together with other services at Church, children are given the opportunity to lead their own collective worship for their class. The prayer corner is the focal point of our classroom, dressed in accordance to the colours of the liturgical calendar. 

In Year 6, we work together to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a very special time for us as it encourages us to reflect on our faith and think about what it means to be an ambassador of Christ. Our daily prayers, hymn practices and participation at Mass enable us to learn and grow in our faith. We each choose a saint who inspires us and who we can follow as an example on how to live a life of dedication.

In Year 6, we take preparations for secondary school seriously, this starts with completing our home learning on time. We are expected to complete English and Mathematics homework each week, together with spellings and/or times tables revision. Home learning is given out each week on a Wednesday and is collected the following Monday. In the Spring term, we will often bring home practice papers in preparation for our SATs.

This is a vitally important year for us as we grow and become more independent. We have lots of jobs and responsibilities to help with the smooth running of the school. Our teachers have very high expectations of us and we know that we have to set an outstanding example to the rest of the school.

We provide an opportunity for the children in all year groups to access a broad and balanced 'Discovery Learning' curriculum. Children have an input on their learning and teachers ensure the skills and progression are in place, building upon the knowledge of previous years. Part of our curriculum will involve trips or visitors to enrich the children's learning; supporting the children to become immersed in their learning, helping them to know more and remember more.

Full details of the school's Discovery Learning curriculum can be found on Curriculum indicating Long term plans, knowledge organisers and core subject coverage/expectations. 

Year 6 Spring 2 CGP Homework

Autumn 2 Half-term homework:

Complete the 'How Can I Prepare?' worksheet. This will form part of the Confirmation booklet. This is due on Monday 13th January 2025.

Autumn 1 Half-term homework:

Complete the RE booklet around your Baptism.

This is part of your journey to Confirmation to reflect on your Baptism.

In addition to this, there is the usual homework requirement of comprehension,  MyMaths, TTRS and spelling & grammar. 


Spring 2025 Class Timetable

Curriculum Meeting

Class Specific Letters