Nursery and Reception
God made me so I am special
Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage
Miss Harwood, Mrs McGrory and Mrs Ledbrook (Nursery team)
Mrs Goodwin, Mrs Gilligan and Mrs Nisar (Reception team)
We love to learn and explore through play in a safe and secure environment. We are always developing our independent skills to enable us to be school ready.
We are learning all the time to be kind and caring to one another, following in Jesus' footsteps.
Our Class Vocational Statement is 'God made me so I am special.' Our Class Saints are:
- St. Anne (Nursery)
- St. Joseph (Reception)
In Nursery and Reception we cover all 7 areas of learning. The Prime Areas are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language. The Specific Areas are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
We provide an opportunity for the children in all year groups to access a broad and balanced 'Discovery Learning' curriculum. Children have an input on their learning and teachers ensure the skills and progression are in place, building upon the knowledge of previous years. Part of our curriculum will involve trips or visitors to enrich the children's learning; supporting the children to become immersed in their learning, helping them to know more and remember more.
Full details of the school's curriculum can be found on our Curriculum page indicating Long term plans, knowledge organisers and core subject coverage/expectations.
Spring 2025 Class Timetables
PE Days
Nursery Spring term PE day: Tuesday & Wednesday
Reception Spring term PE days: Monday & Friday
All PE items need to be named.
Nursery children need to bring a PE bag containing their pumps, which they will leave on their peg.
As part of the Foundation Stage Curriculum, the children in Reception get changed for their PE sessions during the Autumn term. Children need to ensure that they bring their PE bag with their shorts, t-shirt and pumps (which can then be left in their locker and returned each half-term to be washed).
During the Spring and Summer terms, children in Reception can wear their PE kit into school on their PE day, which aligns with the rest of the school.
Curriculum Meeting
Useful Documents to help your child start Nursery or Reception
- A Guide to Helping Your Child use the Toilet
- Children's Teeth
- Tooth Brushing
- Things to bring to Reception
- How to help your child learn to read
We also strongly recommend you take your child for a free eye test at your local opticians before they start Nursery or Reception.
Useful documents for parents
- Information for parents Reception Baseline Assessment 2024
- Helping your child at home Mark Making and Writing Part 1 (1)
- Helping your child at home Mark Making and Writing in the Early Years Part 2 (1)
- Website Links for Parents and Carers to Support Communication and Language
- The Importance of Play in EYFS for Parents
- Characteristics of Effective Learning Guide for parents
- What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage a guide to parents