Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead
Mrs Griffiths
Mental Health First Aider
Mrs Foley
Mental health and wellbeing forms a core part of our ethos at St Augustine's. It is woven into the day to day life of our children through our PSHE, RSE and PE curriculums, alongside our virtues, Catholic Life and Catholic Social Teaching, extra-curricular activities and a host of other opportunities.
If you have a concern about your child's mental health then please speak to their class teacher or Mrs Griffiths. Your child's GP may also be able to offer support.
To see further details about the social, emotional and mental health support available in school, please see the SEND Information Report on the SEND page. For more information about how you can support your child at home, or access support for yourself, please see the resources below.
Websites for further support and guidance-
Children's and adult mental health
Support and advice for parents
- SOLAR- Solihull Children's Mental Health Service
- Parent Talk- Support for Parents and Guiardian
- Young Minds
- Place2be
- MindEd for Families
- Mind
- Dealing with Challenging Behaviour and Nagative Emotions
- NHS- Support for Anger in Children
- Support for Parents of Young Children (Under 5)
- NoPanic (support for anxiety, phobias, OCD and panic attacks- children and adults)
- Winston's Wish (bereavement support for children)
Direct support for children
Adult mental health support and advice
- Solihull Mind
- NHS Every Mind Matters
- Support for Key Workers
- Mental Health at Work
- Birmingham and Solihull Mind Mental Health Helpline 0800 915 9292
- Samaritans 116 123
- Birmingham and Solihull Women's Aid 0121 722 2142
- Solihull Mind Crisis Cafe (adults only)- 16 Faulkner Road, B92 8SY, 6pm-11pm 7 days a week.
Free workshops, courses and groups for parents
- Solihull Parenting- What is Mental Health
- Solihull Approach Online Courses
- Being a Parent Support Group
Resources to support mental health and wellbeing at home
- Talking to Your Child About Mental Health
- Supporting Your Child's Self Esteem
- Supporting Your Family's Wellbeing
- Supporting Your Child to Stay Well Online
- Identifying Emotions
- Identifying Emotions (Emojis)
- Scaling Feelings
- Do you have an anxious child? Parent Information
- Anxiety Parent Support Sheet
- School Anxiety Information for Parents
- Calming an Angry Child
- Anger Strategies