Equality Statement
At St Augustine’s, we aim to be a community where all staff, children, parents, guardians and the wider community are treated fairly and with respect. We strive for all pupils to reach their potential and recognise that for some pupils, extra support is needed.
The Equality Act 2010 sets out the duty of public bodies, including schools to have due regard to the need to:
- Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act,
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it,
- Foster good relations across all characteristics - between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
Our school sets objectives to achieve over a four-year period to show our commitment to the Equality Act 2010. To enhance our objectives set out below, we also have a range of related policies:
- Accessibility Plan
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Health & Safety Policy and Procedures
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
- Medical Needs Policy
- Positive Behaviour Policy (including Anti-bullying)
Objective 1 - To encourage and embed a culture of inclusion and intolerance and acceptance of all children and families in line with our Catholic belief that all children are made in the image and likeness of God.
- We strive to celebrate every member of our community and have developed a wide and diverse curriculum (including subjects such as music, history, multifaith etc.).
- We follow our Catholic Social Teaching Principles along with our Virtues and our Children’s Charter. This fosters a love for everyone within our school community and beyond.
Objective 2 - To embed the importance of good attendance within our school, to secure equality of opportunity for pupil engagement, attainment and progress.
- Consistent attendance ensures children have uninterrupted access to tailored support and specialised resources essential for their learning and development.
- Regular attendance not only fosters academic progress but also promotes social integration, emotional well-being, and the acquisition of crucial life skills.
- We work with Central School Attendance and Welfare Support (CSAWS)to regular monitor attendance of all pupil groups. The importance of attendance is emphasised within the newsletter, as missing school days can disrupt the continuity of children’s learning, exacerbate educational gaps, and hinder their ability to reach their full potential.
- We prioritise creating an inclusive environment where every child, including those with SEND, feels supported and encouraged to attend school regularly. The school have an Attendance Champion (Head Teacher) who celebrates attendance successes during each Friday's assembly.
Objective 3 - To continue to close attainment gaps for children in receipt of pupil premium and for those with SEND.
- Our school takes pride in the support that is offered to children with Special Educational Needs and Difficulties (SEND) to enable them to meet their end of year targets, in keeping with the SEN Code of Practice.
- We understand that SEND children may face a range of unique challenges that may hinder progress, so we have introduced a Kagan approach to our classroom delivery along with adaptive teaching and targeted support/interventions.
- For children who are in receipt of pupil premium, the government guidance highlights the need to use evidence informed approaches to support pupils who come from families with lower incomes to thrive in the same way as their more affluent peers.